What to Know About Your Heart Health!

If you find yourself becoming stressed out quite often, then it might be time to think about the repercussions of long term stress.

Stress Can Cause Increased Risk of Heart Attacks

If you find yourself becoming stressed out quite often, then it might be time to think about the repercussions of long term stress. Many studies have shown that prolonged exposure to increased stress can often increase your risk of having a heart attack. Next time you feel like you are getting stressed out, take a step back and try meditating, or if the stress is coming from being involved in a confrontation, then leave the scene and try to clear your mind.

Eating Heart Healthy Foods Can Go a Long Way

If you are serious about making heart healthy choices, then you can start right now by changing up your diet and try eating the below recommended foods. It is never too late to become health conscious, and lowering your risk of heart disease means your heart will thank you for it later in life.






Assorted Nuts


Exercise Can Keep Your Heart Strong and Healthy

Getting in shape can also strengthen your heart, and your body. Try and at least be active for up to thirty minutes a day, especially if you have a job that keeps you sedentary. If you are required to work a job that keeps you from being active, or if you are sedentary at home, then it is time to make a change for the better, and start exercising! Sedentary lifestyles can have negative impacts on your health like weight gain, which will force your heart to work harder, and increase your risk of a heart attack. If you end up gaining extra weight, that can also end up making you feel out of breath more than usual, and it will make it much harder to breathe than what you are used to. Just being active for thirty minutes will not only help you lose weight, but it can help you improve your cholesterol, and lower your blood pressure.

Heart Attack Warning Signs

If you think you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, or if you believe you are having a heart attack, then don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and dial 9-1-1.

Chest pain – this symptom is one of the most common signs of a heart attack, and sometimes pain can radiate to the left side of your body. Typically, most pain radiates to your left arm. Sometimes you will feel a sensation of pressure in your chest as well. Many people say it feels like “an elephant just stepped on your chest”.

Profuse sweating – Be mindful of your body. If you start sweating profusely for no apparent reason, then it might be time to call 9-1-1 to get checked out. Many times skin paleness will be accompanied with the sweating, and you should never take any chances when it comes to YOUR life.

Fatigue – Getting extremely tired with no apparent cause can be another overlooked symptom of a heart attack. You might also experience jaw pain in conjunction with your symptoms of fatigue, and in many cases, jaw pain is a red flag for a heart attack.

What Can You Do About it?

If you think you are experiencing a heart attack, then it is always best to call 9-1-1 right away. The sooner you call, the better chance you will have at surviving it. However, if you see a person experiencing a heart attack, then maybe it’s time to get trained in CPR, and do as much as possible to try and save their life. Learning these kinds of skills can come in handy, and someday you might be in a situation where you need it.


This site and its services do not constitute the practice of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment, including your specific medical needs. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified health care professional immediately. If you are in the United States and experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or call for emergency medical help immediately.

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