Suicide Prevention Awareness

Here at Kentucky Health and Safety we take everyone’s safety seriously.

Here at Kentucky Health and Safety we take everyone’s safety seriously, and although this doesn’t relate to anything CPR related, we wanted to spread the word and inform everyone how important this topic really is. Although Suicide Prevention Month doesn’t start until September, everyone should be informed on the symptoms of depression and what to do if you think a friend, family member, or co-worker is thinking about suicide. Please keep reading.

The Warning Signs of Suicide

If you see an individual displaying any of the below symptoms, please get them help or call 1-800-273-8255. That is the number for the suicide prevention hotline. Stay with this person and if they start acting irrational do your best to comfort them and talk them out of doing anything dangerous to themselves or others.

Extreme Moodiness or Sadness


Sleep Problems

Sudden Calmness

Changes in Personality or Appearance

Making Final Preparations

Withdrawal From Friends and Family

Threatening The Act of Suicide Itself.

Notes Explaining The Act of Suicide

Dangerous Behavior

Recent Traumas Can Also Trigger a Person to Commit Suicide

Suicide is not a mental illness in itself, but there is serious potential consequences for mental illnesses that are treatable. Mental illnesses such as PTSD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, major depression, borderline personality disorder, substance abuse disorder, schizophrenia, bulimia, and anorexia nervosa. All of these disorders can be treated by your doctor with the right kinds of medication or therapy. So we urge you to talk to your doctor today. You are not alone.

Suicide can happen with anyone but there is a higher risk in teens, young adults and the elderly. Suicide risk is also higher in the following groups:

Older people who have lost a spouse due to divorce or death

People who have a family history of suicide

People who have attempted to commit suicide previously

People who have a history of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse

People who had a friend that committed suicide

People with a terminal illness or long term pain

People who are unemployed

People who have substance abuse problems

People who work in certain job fields, such as Police Officers or Health Care Workers who work with terminally ill patients

Women are three times more likely to attempt suicide, but men are far more likely to complete the final act. White men over the age of 65 have the highest suicide rate of them all. Suicide can’t always be prevented but the risk can be reduced by knowing the signs and symptoms and by having an intervention with your loved one and their care provider. Be alert, know the possible signs and symptoms and if you have a feeling someone is exhibiting these signs or symptoms don’t be afraid to talk to them or reach out for help.

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