Heat Stroke Versus Stroke: What’s The Difference?

A heat stroke is a condition that leaves individuals with dangerous fevers.

What is a Heat Stroke?

A heat stroke is a condition that leaves individuals with dangerous fevers, and sometimes renders these individuals unconscious. Staying out of the heat is the safest way to avoid this condition.

How You Can Avoid it

One of the easiest ways you can avoid heat stroke is by avoiding over exposure to the sun, and if you are out in the sun, stay hydrated! Hydration is one of the most important factors to avoiding heat stroke; however, it is also wise to pay attention the temperature outside, and try not to exert yourself if you feel like the heat is too much. According to the American Heart Association, over 600 people die each year from heat stroke, and most of these deaths could of been avoided if the individuals were properly educated, or stayed hydrated.

What is a Stroke?

A stroke is a condition that takes place when the blood supply to your brain is either interrupted, or abruptly decreased. People who have strokes lose brain cells within minutes which can ultimately end up in death.

How to Try to Minimize The Risk of Having a Stroke

If you are serious about staying healthy and doing what you can to minimize the risk of having a stroke, then there are several steps you can take. The first step would be to quit smoking or using tobacco products if you are addicted to nicotine. Habitual nicotine use can result in chronic high blood pressure which is both bad for your heart, and has been attributed to increasing the risk of strokes. Quitting may be extremely difficult, but if you are struggling, then we suggest you see your medical professional for additional advice. The next thing you can do is try to start exercising regularly, and don’t make excuses to avoid this. Working out can help strengthen your body, and regulate blood pressure. There has been several studies over the last few decades that show exercising to be a precursor to lowering the risk of strokes.

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