Drug Addiction and Recent CDC Numbers

In 2017 the Center for Disease Control CDC reported over 200 drug overdoses per day.

In 2017 the Center for Disease Control CDC reported over 200 drug overdoses per day. This is the equivalent to an overdose, every eight minutes. The main cause of this catastrophic epidemic are: Heroin, Fentanyl, and Oxycodone. These and other types of overdoses (Meth, Cocaine, Methadone) have claimed an estimated 72,000 lives within the past year, the Washington Post reports.

Narcan Isn’t Always The Answer to Overdose Situations.

When 911 is dispatched, emergency responders will come ready with Narcan. This opioid antagonist, blocks the effects of an opioid overdose and reverses the effects of an overdose. However, Narcan does not treat all overdose patients effectively, as the Washington Post reports not all overdoses were from causes by Opioids.

Where Can I Get Naloxone/Narcan?

This is a prescribed antidote medication, that can be sought at a Pharmacy or local Health Department. On a state-by-state basis, overdose programs have caused residents seeking Narcan to not seek a healthcare provider in-order to obtain Naloxone. However, it is always best to obtain Instructions from a Healthcare Provider before using any medication. This medication can be given Intranasal, Intravenous, or Intramuscular. As of April 2018 Generic cost are $20-$40 a dose.

How to Treat an Overdose Victim. 911& CPR/AED

The chance of survival drops 7-10% per minute; time is crucial when dealing with an Overdose Victim. During our American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Courses, we will ensure you learn the most safe and best way to treat an overdose victim. The Opioid Epidemic is real, register now!

Why is CPR important to learn

Why is CPR important to learn? Introduction: CPR, which stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is an emergency life-saving technique used to revive individuals who have experienced

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