4 Exercise Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy

As we get older, our bodies become weaker. This means getting proper exercise to decrease cardiovascular health risks is very important.

1. Walk Your ‘Heart’ Off!

Walking is one of the best exercises you can do, and not only stay healthy, but to have fun while doing it too. How? For inspiration, invite a friend to go on a walk with you. Both of you can share a conversation with one another while enjoying your surroundings. The American Heart Association suggests thirty minutes of daily aerobic exercise is sufficient to keep your heart healthy!

2. Don’t Like Walking? Try Biking!

On days you don’t feel like putting on your walking shoes, put on your helmet and go biking instead! This is another fun activity you can do with friends or significant other, and keeps you staying heart healthy by building healthy habits for a great life.

3. Go Dancing! Do the Mambo No. 5! Seriously!

Dancing might come off as a surprise to some, but is considered a very heart healthy exercise. After about ten minutes, your heart rate can go up to about 135 beats per minute which is ideal (for some) for an aerobic exercise! So as Ellen Degeneres say’s, “Let’s Dance!” and get moving and grooving!

4. Swimming is Great Too!

Swimming is not only great for your heart, but an easy way to gain strength. The US Center for Disease Control states, “Two and a half hours of swimming per week, will help reduce the risk of cardiovascular care.” Taking a dip is also nicer than walking or riding a bike; therefore, so what’s not to love?


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